Pitmaster Recipe Series: BuffalowBBQ's Magical Brisket

Pitmaster Recipe Series: BuffalowBBQ's Magical Brisket

Step 1:
We are back with another top-notch recipe from pitmaster Jason Buffalow. This time, it's brisket. Plan this one out in advance. Better get your ingredients now if you want to enjoy this by the end of the weekend because this thing cooks lower and slower than a Prius on a steep hill. Enjoy!
BuffalowBBQ magical brisket

I prefer slow and low. Figure on roughly 1-1.5 hours per pound at 225 cooking temp. Generally, I use a ‘whole packer’ which is about 15-20 pounds.

Step 1: I trim the fat, so it is no more than 1/4” all the way around. If you do not, it will take longer and may not render all the way out.

Step 2: Time to season the slab. I use @buffalowbbq Beef Rub for all of my briskets. Alternatively, put a hefty amount of Salt and Pepper in a mixing bowl, then add 2-3 tablespoons of red pepper flake and mix that in. Do a light coat of olive oil to act as a binder for the rub. Coat the brisket pretty heavy the night before or even two days before and store in the refrigerator in saran wrap or a sealed container.

Step 3: Fire up the smoker, @greenmountaingrills is my preferred smoker. Once it gets to 225 degrees set the brisket in the middle. I personally prefer fat side up but have found on pellet grills it just does not make a difference. 

Step 4: Now the hard part… don’t do a damn thing. Don’t look at it, don’t spritz it, don’t wrap it, don’t add water, don’t even think about it. DO have a drink or spend time with your friends and family or work on side dishes. This thing is going to take 15-24 hours depending on the meat and size of the brisket.

Step 5: Once the internal temp is 203, you’re done. Pull it out very carefully, double wrap in foil, then in towels and put in a cooler or oven (not on) and let it rest a minimum of 2 hours. I prefer to let it rest in a cooler for about 4-5 hours. 

Slice it, typically the thickness of a pencil. Some people slice it across the grain, but I have never found it to matter when cooked with this method.

Enjoy and make sure to tag @buffalowbbq in your instagram pics!